Message from the Chairman

Hello and welcome to the American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana (AMCHAM Guyana).
Amcham Guyana speaks for American businesses committed to Guyana on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It is an independentnot-for-profit trade association comprised of some of the largest corporations in the world, small and medium sized companies, and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs.
One of the overarching goals of Amcham Guyana is to be the leader in digital technology as a catalyst for economic growth in Guyana. We would like to prepare our members to take advantage of the fourth Industrial Revolutionby advocating and supporting initiatives for a robust broadband infrastructure, which will usher in a new way of conducting business.
Through our membership we will advocate and promote for e-commerce to play a vital role in the development of business especially small and medium size enterprises in Guyana. Thereby opening their business to the entire world. We would like to see a private sector that can prosper with the development and application of innovative technologies.
Most importantly Amcham Guyana will bring leaders together to discuss the challenges that our members face today and the opportunities available to them in this digital age. Our members can expect to benefit from the vast amount of expertize skills and technologies that currently exists within the chamber via some of its members who are considered to be among the top companies in the world.
The prosperity of Guyanese and American business and most importantly the people of Guyana are of the utmost importance. So come and join us as we work together to realize the multitude of opportunities that exists in Guyana today.