Ms. Sarah Shaffie
Company: Inventive Capital Logistics
Ms. Sarah Shaffie has experience in both public and private sectors. She worked with Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority (DCRA) as a Legal Clerk, where she gained experience in all departments for 4+ years. During her time there, she was exposed to the process of Business Names, Company Registration, TradeMark, Power of Attorney and the preparation of a Transport. She then entered into the private sector serving as the Executive Assistant with the American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana (AMCHAM GUYANA INC.). There she has been operating the entire office
reporting directly to the President of the Chamber from the beginning of AMCHAM. The Chamber host business events (luncheons, cocktail reception, galas and charitable events etc.) which are executed by Ms. Shaffie. She is now the Business Development Officer at the Chamber. Her education and working experiences are obviously important but are not nearly as impactful as her boundless energy and enthusiasm to every project.